Good evening Sarah Badiane me is I'm Senegalese nationality and I would pair it with you on how to Sponsor a Child wealthy.
Nice to meet you and if you have any questions I am at your disposal.
Good Afternoon. ;) My name is Sarah. My nationality is Canadian. If you would prefer to speak in french it isn't a problem. Oh and by the way the picture isn't of me since I was shy :( If you have any questions for me I would be happy to answer them and I look forward
salut Sarah comment cava sa fait un bail la je m'excuses c'est temps j'étais un peu occupé mais n’empêche mous pouvons continuer la correspondance.Dans le cadre de ce que nous allons discuter. Dans le continent Africain on constate que la population pauvre continue de devenir
pauvre faute manque de moyens contrairement aux pays développés.
hello, I'm doing well. How are you?
im good. how was christmas?